Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Italian Entry

In Italian (narrativa) we are reading 'Stranieri come noi' which means 'Strangers like us'. It was written by a man called Alessandro Zucconi. The book has lots of short tales called 'racconti'. One of my favourite stories is called 'Arabia l'aereo' which is 'Arabia the plane'. Basically its about one of the wars going on and there is this boy, Mustàfa, who lives in the desert. One of the American pilots looses control and he comes crashing down a few yards away from Mustàfa. He didn't understand when the pilot was telling him to run away because the plane was going to blow. Mustàfa pulled him out seconds before, and saved his life. The American pilot gave him a bravery badge, during the special ceremony they did for Mustàfa's courage.
I like this story because it shows that when someone needs help it doesn't need to be said, and especially not in an universal language.

1 comment:

Sophia T said...

The author is Vittorio Zucconi.
Clear description, well done!