Monday, January 22, 2007

Social Studies Entry

In Social Studies were learning about the Blitzkrieg. Which in English means 'lightning war'. It was called that because Hitler wanted to have a fast and surprising attack, doing it this way the enemies would be unprepared and defenseless. No country was prepared for the new style of warfare developed by Hitler. The Blitzkrieg changed battle tactics and started a new period in military history. In September 1939 and April 1940 there was no serious fighting in Western Europe. This period is known as the 'Phony war' and sometimes 'Fake war'. The fake war in which Britain and France waited for Germany to threaten them. The Blitzkrieg was successful because they had very skilled tactics. This way their 'victims' had no chance, not even to escape! They surrounded the countries and followed out surprised ambushes. I find this topic interesting, and it's useful to know these kind of things.


francevIST! said...

Interesting summary. Good job!

stefanoIST said...

I liked your entry very much! You made no spelling mistakes and your entry was really clear and well described!!

Sophia T said...

No spelling mistakes and nice entry! Keep it up Maggi!