Monday, January 15, 2007

Whispers by Dean Koonz Synopsis 11

Katherine Frye had many problems during pregnancy. When the baby came it turned out that they were twins with cauls, (she names them both Bruno) Katherine was superstitious and so she thought that they were demon children. She made them act like one person they were so brainwashed, in the end they thought they were on. Katherine only let one out at a time, and she closed the other on in the cellar. For five years after Katherine's death 'he' (both Bruno's) had nightmares of the evil whispering and crawling down there. 'He' (both Bruno's) thought that his mum kept coming back from the dead in new bodies, so 'he' killed her so she couldn't put him back down in the cellar. It turns out that in the cellar there was billions of 2inch roaches, and the noise of their hairy legs brushing together sounding like the evil whispering. 'He' was haunted for the rest of his shot life!

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