Monday, January 22, 2007

Drama Entry

In drama we are doing the Shakespeare play called 'A midsummer night's dream' Nearly everyone is in it, apart from three people who do extra-Italian. I play Puck, Oberon's fairy servant. In the original play Puck is a boy, but we changed the part into a girl (so i can play it). The story is very complicated because two guys are in love with one girl, but then i put love potion in their eyes and they fall in love with another girl. It's a complex plot, also because there are other things happening, like at one point there is another play going on, so some people have two characters to play. Having two characters to play means you have to learn double the lines too!
I like this play, it's really fun, and its interesting to do because the language is different and we get to do new things we haven't done before.

1 comment:

Sophia T said...

Interesting play, Puck! Do not forget capitalization!
Good Work!