Monday, January 22, 2007

Social Studies Entry

In Social Studies were learning about the Blitzkrieg. Which in English means 'lightning war'. It was called that because Hitler wanted to have a fast and surprising attack, doing it this way the enemies would be unprepared and defenseless. No country was prepared for the new style of warfare developed by Hitler. The Blitzkrieg changed battle tactics and started a new period in military history. In September 1939 and April 1940 there was no serious fighting in Western Europe. This period is known as the 'Phony war' and sometimes 'Fake war'. The fake war in which Britain and France waited for Germany to threaten them. The Blitzkrieg was successful because they had very skilled tactics. This way their 'victims' had no chance, not even to escape! They surrounded the countries and followed out surprised ambushes. I find this topic interesting, and it's useful to know these kind of things.
Drama Entry

In drama we are doing the Shakespeare play called 'A midsummer night's dream' Nearly everyone is in it, apart from three people who do extra-Italian. I play Puck, Oberon's fairy servant. In the original play Puck is a boy, but we changed the part into a girl (so i can play it). The story is very complicated because two guys are in love with one girl, but then i put love potion in their eyes and they fall in love with another girl. It's a complex plot, also because there are other things happening, like at one point there is another play going on, so some people have two characters to play. Having two characters to play means you have to learn double the lines too!
I like this play, it's really fun, and its interesting to do because the language is different and we get to do new things we haven't done before.
Science Entry

In science we have to do projects. We picked our groups, they had to have three or four people. Then we got given a topic to do it on. I am with Sofi, Claudia and Sophia. Our topic is 'electromagnets'. We are filming a video. First we are in a talk show, and we all play different guests on this show. After there is a quiz, I play the stupid one who didn't know anything, Sofia plays the smart one who can answer everything. In the video we have to include adverts too, so we have filmed some with all of us saying 'ITALIA UNO' which is a channel over here, then we have one about Nike, etc...
I hope we will get an A+ on this project because we have all tried hard and we deserve it! Electromagnets are strong magnets that can be turned on and off. It's basically a solenoid with a ferromagnetic core.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Italian Entry

In Italian (narrativa) we are reading 'Stranieri come noi' which means 'Strangers like us'. It was written by a man called Alessandro Zucconi. The book has lots of short tales called 'racconti'. One of my favourite stories is called 'Arabia l'aereo' which is 'Arabia the plane'. Basically its about one of the wars going on and there is this boy, Mustàfa, who lives in the desert. One of the American pilots looses control and he comes crashing down a few yards away from Mustàfa. He didn't understand when the pilot was telling him to run away because the plane was going to blow. Mustàfa pulled him out seconds before, and saved his life. The American pilot gave him a bravery badge, during the special ceremony they did for Mustàfa's courage.
I like this story because it shows that when someone needs help it doesn't need to be said, and especially not in an universal language.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Whispers by Dean Koonz Synopsis 11

Katherine Frye had many problems during pregnancy. When the baby came it turned out that they were twins with cauls, (she names them both Bruno) Katherine was superstitious and so she thought that they were demon children. She made them act like one person they were so brainwashed, in the end they thought they were on. Katherine only let one out at a time, and she closed the other on in the cellar. For five years after Katherine's death 'he' (both Bruno's) had nightmares of the evil whispering and crawling down there. 'He' (both Bruno's) thought that his mum kept coming back from the dead in new bodies, so 'he' killed her so she couldn't put him back down in the cellar. It turns out that in the cellar there was billions of 2inch roaches, and the noise of their hairy legs brushing together sounding like the evil whispering. 'He' was haunted for the rest of his shot life!