Monday, May 07, 2007

Editorial Commentary on Virginia Tech

It was a massacre held out by one of the students. 32 people died by gun shot. Cho Seung-hui was 23, South Korean and very anti social.
In his poetry class he wrote very disturbing tales about murdering, killing and torturing. The class at the beginning of term had 70 students, but many got scared by Cho and stopped attending the class. The teacher too got worried and so she decided to get Cho removed from all her lessons.
Cho's roommate said that he would never speak, and he always liked to wear a hat and dark sunglasses. His roommate also said that if you greeted him he would never respond, as if you weren't there. On the morning of the 'attacks' Cho shot 2 people, in their school dormitory. It was roughly at 7 o'clock, but at 8:30 school carried on as normal. Questions are being asked as to why lessons weren't suspended, especially when there were police all around campus. When school started at the normal time, Cho decided to take action again. We know it was a premeditated attack because after his shooting in the dormitory Cho took photo's of himself holding two guns (the ones he shot his 32 victims with). He pointed them at the camera so you could see down the barrel, and he also had a knife which in the picture he held at his throat. Cho also recorded a video. He said things like its your fault this happened, you spilled the blood and now it won't wash off your hands etc...These video's and pictures got personally sent to the NBC by Cho. After he done this he went off on his killing spree. But these weren't the only signs of violence, the school had been getting bomb threats for some time, and the police do not think that they were connected to Cho.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Wise up, Alex by M.a.k.i.n.g F.r.i.e.n.d.s Synopsis 14

Alex is 13, her mother died when she was a baby. She lives with her dad and older brother Matt. Matt is 14 and everyone likes him, especially because he's really cool. Alex is not very girly, she is a kind of tom-boy. Her favourite this to do are to skateboard, and be adventurous.
Alex's best friends are Carrie and Sky. Carrie lives with her extremely rich family, and Sky lives in a boat house with her parents.
Its the first day back and Amy is being unusually nice to Alex. Amy is the cool girl of the school, so its weird to see her sucking up to Alex. Its also weird because Amy normally picks on Alex, saying rude things about her skateboard and the way she dresses. Amy manages to isolate Alex from her friends and apologize for everything, she then invites herself over to Alex's house. Carrie and Sky can't believe that Alex ditched them like that, so they get really angry at her. But Alex soon finds out Amy wanted to be friends so she could get to see Matt (the guys she likes). Alex is hurt and quickly looses Amy, but now she doesn't have her REAL friends. For a few days she stays alone, but she is still desperatly trying to make them forgive her. Alex sends notes apologizing, she calls them, waits by their lockers but they just don't give in. When school comes to the end of the term they still aren't talking.
The first week back Amy tries to do what she did to Alex to Carrie. Carrie then realises how persuasive Amy is, in the afternoon she lets Alex walk with them. Alex says she things that by the end of the day they will be talking.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Personal aspect on Trieste

My favourite thing about Trieste is probably the history behind it. If you walk through the town today you will think it's pretty, clean and modern. I can say that i agree with you, but its also very interesting to find out how it was and how it became how it is now. I have already spoken about 'La Risiera di San Sabba' and about how during World War II it was a concentration camp for all Jews, Slovenian, Partisans, Croatians and Italian anti-Fascist who were made to do forced labour. It was also an extermination camp and it owned a crematorium which was pulled down by the Germans' after the War so there could be no evidence that they killed all those innocent people. Trieste during the war was home to many killings, not only did it have the concentration and extermination camp it also had things called 'foibe'. Foibe means a deep hole, basically like a sinkhole. After the war they were used to put military and civilian people. Mainly though the Fascist people were put in there, and left to starve to death. Many people refer to this as another Holocaust, but on a smaller scale. It is infact like another Holocaust because people were being thrown into the foibe because of what nationality they were, and maybe even because what they looked like. The story has never quite been put straight. For about sixty years after the war it was nearly all silenced, but some people spoke out and slowly since then we have recovered information. The excact number of deaths is unsure. Its approximatly 5000, 570 but its argued that that sum is too high.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Geographical Entry on Trieste; The Adriatic sea

The Adriatic sea separates the Apennine peninsula from the Balkan peninsula. The Western coast is Italian, and the eastern coast runs along Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Montenegro, and Albania. The Adriatic sea is 800 kn long with an average width of 100m. And a depth of 1, 324m and an area of 131, 050 sq km. The word 'Adriatic' comes from the Latin word Mare Hadriaticum or Mare Adriaticum. Which means Adriatic sea in Italian. The name comes from the Etruscan colony of Adria (or Hadria). The main ports in Italy are Venice, Brindisi, Trieste, Ancora and Bari. In Croatia the only port by the Adriatic sea is Rijeka. In the Adriatic sea fishing is an important activity, and you can find sardines, lobsters, and tuna. The Adriatic sea is very salty and rich with lots of fish. The warm weather is nearly constant in the summer, however during the winter it can be cold, dry and windy, which is basically the Bora. The Bora is a strong current of wind that comes from Muggia. The Italian coast is mainly straight and continuous, having no islands, but the Balkan coast is full of islands, generally parallel to the shore.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

The Lady Grace Mysteries, Deception Novel Synopsis 13

This is the diary of Grace Cavendish, a 13 year old girl in London in the 1800's. She is the maid of honour of Queen Elizabeth I. In the book is doesn't say who the author is, and at the end it says that Grace Cavendish is a fictional character, but some other people in the book were real.
Lady Grace lives in the majesty's castle, and she shares her room with two other maids of honour, Lady Sarah and Mary Shelton. The reason why Mary is not Lady Mary is because you have to born into a Lady and seeing as no one from Mary's family was a Lady she will not be either. The river Thames has frozen over and Lady Grace can't wait to skate down to the Frost Fair on the lake. But the dead body of a man, with the Queen's new currency stuffed in his eyes interrupts the festivity. Lady Grace needs to find out who it was, and the Queen allows her 5 days to find something, otherwise she will hire detectives. Lady Grace get her two best friends Ellie and Masou to come and help her. They go out at night searching for clues for 3 nights. Lady Grace has only one chance left, and by PURE luck on the last night they find the master mint, Sir Edward exchanging some forged coins with another man. Sir Edward sees them and he locks all three in a dark cramped closet. Lady Grace, Ellie and Masou manage to escape but they don't have long before someone notices. They run straight to the Queen who immediately believes them, and she sends guards to arrest Sir Edward. The Queen forgets about making a new currency and rewards the kids with gowns and toys.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Historical entry on Trieste

Trieste is a small city near the border of Slovenia. Its in the Friuli Venezia Giulia region; which includes Gorizia, Pordenone and Udine. Trieste is known as the Pearl of the Adriatic. Its hidden between the Carso mountains and the sea. It has a population of 207,069 people.
The mayor is Roberto Dipiazza. Roberto Dipiazza was born in February 1, 1953 in the Province of Undine. In 2001 he was elected mayor of Trieste, and his goals where to improve the cross border relations between Italy and Slovenia, he sucseeded. In 1943 Partisan groups were active throughout northern and central Italy. Very often the partisians were former soldiers cut off from their homes and still in possession of their weapons. Many were young men fleeing from Mussolini, who had extravagant ideas and the did not agree with him. He was the leader of Fascism in Italy during World War II. During World War II there was a concentration camp called 'La Risiera di San Sabba'. Trieste was the only Italian city to have a Nazi concentration camp. Here many Jews, Slovenian, Partisans, Croations, and Italian anti-fascist were executed. Before being a concentration camp it was a rice-husking factory, but the Germans transformed it in 1943. The building is open to the public, and today there are two rooms where documents and information on the concentration camp are exposed! It has attracted many tourists, mainly because it near the stadium 'Nereo Rocco' where the home team 'Triestina' train and sometimes play.

Friday, February 23, 2007

This is the e-mail that we have to send to Mr.Pastore confirming that we did all the work and that we wrote drafts, and proof checked everything.

'Dear Mr.Pastore,
I did all six blog entries, and all six rough copies in my notebook. For the second quarter i think i should get an A because i did all my work on time, i did all my work completely, i also used good grammar, and proof checked it all. I did the best i could on doing 24 comment, but some people didn't post some of the entries so i couldn't get 24 exactly. I used my time during class wisely, and followed the rules for each blog entry!
Magenta Z'

Sunday, February 04, 2007

The Shadow in the North by Philip Pullman Synopsis 12

It all starts when Makinnon, a famous magician is in trouble. Some men are trying to kill him. Jim helps him escape, and he takes Makinnon to Fred and Sally. Fred and Jim do some private investigation, and much later on in the book, find its to do with a man called Bellman. Bellman is making a super killing machine. It looks like a normal railway carriage, but it has 6 thousand little holes, where bullets come shooting out 5 per second. Meanwhile Makinnon runs away and Jim goes out to find him.
In the end Bellman sets their house on fire. That night Sally had come to see Fred, Jim, Webster (Fred's uncle) and Isabelle (Makinnon's stalker) all were caught up in it. They managed to get everyone out except from Fred who went to save Isabelle, they both died.
Sally then reveals that she is having Fred's baby!

Monday, January 22, 2007

Social Studies Entry

In Social Studies were learning about the Blitzkrieg. Which in English means 'lightning war'. It was called that because Hitler wanted to have a fast and surprising attack, doing it this way the enemies would be unprepared and defenseless. No country was prepared for the new style of warfare developed by Hitler. The Blitzkrieg changed battle tactics and started a new period in military history. In September 1939 and April 1940 there was no serious fighting in Western Europe. This period is known as the 'Phony war' and sometimes 'Fake war'. The fake war in which Britain and France waited for Germany to threaten them. The Blitzkrieg was successful because they had very skilled tactics. This way their 'victims' had no chance, not even to escape! They surrounded the countries and followed out surprised ambushes. I find this topic interesting, and it's useful to know these kind of things.
Drama Entry

In drama we are doing the Shakespeare play called 'A midsummer night's dream' Nearly everyone is in it, apart from three people who do extra-Italian. I play Puck, Oberon's fairy servant. In the original play Puck is a boy, but we changed the part into a girl (so i can play it). The story is very complicated because two guys are in love with one girl, but then i put love potion in their eyes and they fall in love with another girl. It's a complex plot, also because there are other things happening, like at one point there is another play going on, so some people have two characters to play. Having two characters to play means you have to learn double the lines too!
I like this play, it's really fun, and its interesting to do because the language is different and we get to do new things we haven't done before.
Science Entry

In science we have to do projects. We picked our groups, they had to have three or four people. Then we got given a topic to do it on. I am with Sofi, Claudia and Sophia. Our topic is 'electromagnets'. We are filming a video. First we are in a talk show, and we all play different guests on this show. After there is a quiz, I play the stupid one who didn't know anything, Sofia plays the smart one who can answer everything. In the video we have to include adverts too, so we have filmed some with all of us saying 'ITALIA UNO' which is a channel over here, then we have one about Nike, etc...
I hope we will get an A+ on this project because we have all tried hard and we deserve it! Electromagnets are strong magnets that can be turned on and off. It's basically a solenoid with a ferromagnetic core.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Italian Entry

In Italian (narrativa) we are reading 'Stranieri come noi' which means 'Strangers like us'. It was written by a man called Alessandro Zucconi. The book has lots of short tales called 'racconti'. One of my favourite stories is called 'Arabia l'aereo' which is 'Arabia the plane'. Basically its about one of the wars going on and there is this boy, Mustàfa, who lives in the desert. One of the American pilots looses control and he comes crashing down a few yards away from Mustàfa. He didn't understand when the pilot was telling him to run away because the plane was going to blow. Mustàfa pulled him out seconds before, and saved his life. The American pilot gave him a bravery badge, during the special ceremony they did for Mustàfa's courage.
I like this story because it shows that when someone needs help it doesn't need to be said, and especially not in an universal language.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Whispers by Dean Koonz Synopsis 11

Katherine Frye had many problems during pregnancy. When the baby came it turned out that they were twins with cauls, (she names them both Bruno) Katherine was superstitious and so she thought that they were demon children. She made them act like one person they were so brainwashed, in the end they thought they were on. Katherine only let one out at a time, and she closed the other on in the cellar. For five years after Katherine's death 'he' (both Bruno's) had nightmares of the evil whispering and crawling down there. 'He' (both Bruno's) thought that his mum kept coming back from the dead in new bodies, so 'he' killed her so she couldn't put him back down in the cellar. It turns out that in the cellar there was billions of 2inch roaches, and the noise of their hairy legs brushing together sounding like the evil whispering. 'He' was haunted for the rest of his shot life!