Sunday, November 05, 2006

The Second Summer of the Sisterhood by Ann Brashares Synopsis 6

This year the girls are still going to pass the pants to each other, and they are convinced that last years events are still in the pockets.
Bridget takes off to go to Alabama, to meet her grandma (Greta) who got separated from the family, but Bridget pretends to be a stranger so she can get to know her secretly, but Greta found out that it was her and let Bridget stay.
Carmen's mother gets a boyfriend, David. She feels like her mum has totally forgotten about her so she splits them up, but guilt makes her apologize and set them up again.
Tibby makes a movie for school all about Bailey, and she is helped by Brian who is in love with her.
And finally Lena, who finds out that Kostos has a new girlfriend and she's pregnant, but Lena heart throb obviously isn't worth it.

3 comments: said...

You did an excelent summary. Very well done!

Sophia T said...

Hi Magenta,
you have a very accurate and discriptive synopsis.

stefanoIST said...

I really liked your entry! Excellent job! You made no spelling mistakes!