Thursday, October 05, 2006

The Mirror Image Ghost by Catherine Storr Synopsis 2

Lisa was curious about the mirror in her grandparents room. She always wondered what her nose looked like from the side, so she got two mirrors and positioned them in the right place. She didn't like what she saw, and put the mirror down. But when she turned to go to the door she was gobsmacked when she noticed that this wasn't her grandparents room. Was this real? She screamed and began to run, but stopped when she was overlooking a big garden, she saw men lots of men with uniforms on. They were watching someone. Lisa turned around, behind her was a man holding a gun, he picked her up and carried her into the crowd. Everyone fell silent as he pushed her up next to a man. She looked up at him, and awoke with a scream. She then noticed that in her left hand she was holding a mirror.

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